My Ramblings...

(the blog)

 "Wax strong" has many meanings that relate to becoming stronger and growth.

What's up everybody?!  I make videos.  I share all my thoughts on all the things and in all the ways.  Well, in the video way.  I've thought about a blog for awhile now and decided I needed to continue to share everything on my mind in written word also.  Truth be told, I have a lot to say and I LOVE to write.  I LOVE to share my thoughts and ramblings.  So, welcome to my ramblings, a.k.a. the blog.  

Wax Strong Coaching was born about one year ago.  I happened to take a Family Life Coaching class at BYU Idaho with a lot of anxious feelings toward it.  I thought life coaching was hokey.  I was afraid that I was wasting my credits.  I also wondered what I would learn from it and what where it would lead me.  Class, itself, taught me a lot.  But it wasn't until I started doing practice sessions with peers from my class that I learned how much I love to coach.  There was something magical about sitting across from someone (I mean... as close to being across the table as I could be on Zoom) and hearing them share with me.  It was even better when I felt prompted or inspired to ask a question or say something that brought about emotion in the other person.  Do I like to make people cry?  Well, that's a trick question.  Yes.  I do.  But only when I know that it's leading to something beautiful and healing.

Long story short, life coaching and I became best friends.  Wax Strong was born.  I embarked on a journey that I was not picturing for myself.

Wax Strong.  Where does this come from?  Well, it's often mentioned in The Book of Mormon.  "Wax strong" has many meanings that relate to becoming stronger and growth.  Now, sometimes in The Book of Mormon this phrase is used to describe how people became more wicked.  They "waxed strong" in iniquity or sin.  But hey, growth comes in many forms, right?  I especially liked the verse in Alma 9:22 where we are taught that the people were able to wax strong so that they were not destroyed.  These words could perfectly describe my life.

And that's something I will share over time.

For now, enjoy my website, look my up on Instagram (@wax.strong) and I have videos on YouTube.  That's brand new for me and a little bit weird if I'm being honest.  

Check back often for more ramblings and don't forget to send my an email or message with your own.

Love, Heather