Scheduling & Sessions

Contact me for available times and we'll see if something works!

I want to plan a session!

What to expect…

My full and undivided attention during our sessions.

A safe space to discover, overcome, endure, and wonder.

Encouragement in developing strong goals to fulfill a need.

Support while you work on your goals and become more confident.

Complete privacy.  What is said during our sessions is between you and I.

Thoughtful insights and connections between life and faith.  My faith is very important to me, and I tend to draw inspiration from scripture, my Church leaders, and stories of Christ.  I know this is not for everyone, but it has become part of me and something I share if appropriate.

Complete integrity.  Your time is important to me. 

Learning to understand different aspects of healing and calm.

Finding what fits in your own “toolbox.”

"Get to Know You" Session...

Before making a commitment to working together, I like to schedule a 30 minute session where we can meet and discuss what coaching would be like.  This session is free for you!  Afterward, if we decide that coaching is a good fit, we will schedule your first session and a contract and information will be sent to you.


$75 for a one hour session. 

$40 for a 30 minute session.

$450 for an 8-week "Offline Coaching" session.

$375 for a 6-week session package.  Package options include:

"Developing a New Habit" 

"Goal Work" 

"Finding Purpose" 

"Getting Out of the Box"

"Belief & Value Work" 

"Attribute of Christ"

"Thinking Path"

"Wellness Plan"

"Building on Strengths"

Payments are accepted through Venmo or I can send a payment link through Square.  Payment is expected after the session ends.

Sessions will not be scheduled if previous sessions have not been paid for.  Payments need to be up-to-date to continue coaching.

Session info

Sessions will be done via Zoom.  I will send the link with a session reminder before we are scheduled to meet.

Sessions will last about 1 hour.  We will discuss whatever is on your mind, goals you want to work on, things that you are wanting to overcome, needs you would like to fill.  Sessions will end with an action plan created together for you to work on.

Please notify me 24 hours in advance if a session needs to be rescheduled.  I know that we all have lives and things can happen that get in the way.  I try to be as flexible as I can.

Sessions will be completely confidential.  I will not share any information that you give to me with anyone except in situations where safety is a concern, and I am required to report it.

I do take notes during the sessions to help me pay attention to key words or thoughts.  These notes will be kept for myself and not shown to anyone else.  Contracts, notes, and other written items need to be kept for 5 years and will then be shredded.

Coaching sessions are not therapy sessions.  At times, sensitive things may be talked about and I hope to give space for vulnerability.  But I am not able to diagnose or help treat anything that needs to be monitored by a licensed therapist or counselor.  Recommendations can be made if you feel that is a need.

Forms and Info…

Welcome Page   

Coaching Contract        

Intake Form  

Thought Bubbles 

Want a little insight?

Try this FREE Life Balance assessment to get you started!  No commitment to coaching, just a great way to get a little insight into YOU.  Click on the link below and I'll send you a PDF copy of your Life Balance Wheel.

Free Life Balance 


Why assessments?  Assessments may be able to help us better understand:

Our Mind ... Our Heart ... Our Personality ... Our Lives in a Deeper Way ... Our Needs

Assessments can also help us identify things we need to work on in our lives.

VIA Character Strengths     

16 Personalities

Life Balance Wheel 

Personal Values

Big 5 Personality

EQ Emotional Intelligence